Everyone is family

alison   September 5, 2016   1 Comment on Everyone is family

These past few days have gone fast and slow, all at once. 

It is Labor Day. We moved Mom home on Thursday. It has been five days of no agenda, but the time seems to fill up regardless. 

Quiet moments with Mom, caring for her, sharing moments with siblings, kids, nieces, nephews, cousins, aunts, uncles. Memories have been messaged, emailed, spoken. 

Mom served faithfully by quietly loving everyone she met. She made sure everyone felt at home, had a friend, felt included. 

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Friends from growing up have reached out. Mom’s coworkers have cared for our family. Friends from Mom and Dad’s Route 66 Ride for the Relay trips have come alongside of us, becoming part of our ever-growing family. 

My parents have created an amazing legacy. Every person they met was immediately considered family. That is how we learned to treat others. What has always seemed like a natural thing to me (why wouldn’t you treat others this way?) has been a beacon for so many others, a shining light along their own paths that they have never forgotten. 

Mom is not to be in this world much longer. She will be called to her true home soon. What a glorious celebration Heaven will have!

One thought on “Everyone is family

  1. Marcia Deur

    Beautiful tribute to both of your parents, Alison! And, oh so true! This describes them both perfectly!! And you and your brothers are already carrying on that legacy! Your Mom is so very proud (in her own humble way!) of all of you! So glad you are feeling so much love during these days!


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